We are pleased to introduce you to Tom Dosch, TDI’s new Engineering Manager.
Dosch has a Mechanical Engineering degree from Arizona State and industrial refrigeration experience dating back to 2004. He has worked for contractors around the country in the food & beverage and oil & gas sectors. Dosch’s experience in oil & gas brings him a more complete understanding of refrigeration systems than if he had only worked in food & beverage.
By joining the TDI team, Dosch further enhances our ability to design build larger, more complex refrigeration systems and to design system analysis capabilities.
Time for a Check-Up
Dosch really shines when troubleshooting equipment. He’s the experienced ‘doctor’ that swiftly finds the underlying cause of symptoms.
Many facilities highly value the Mechanical Integrity Reports that Dosch produces (view sample report). He analyzes the configuration and condition of every component of the refrigeration system to ensure they’re running efficiently and meet code. The resulting report has a list of upgrades, fixes, and repairs, each with an assigned urgency level.
Compliance manuals are supposed to be living documents. Dosch finds that companies with up-to-date manuals are extended more leniency from OSHA, who tends to respond less favorably to facilities with long-forgotten, dusty binders.
Is your ammonia refrigeration system due for a check-up?